Tag Archives: Purification of wastewater

GlobeCore extends invitation to the International Construction & Utility Equipment Exposition-2019

GlobeCore invites all businesses and parties interested in the implementation of innovative technologies to the International Construction & Utility Equipment Exposition.

This event is biannual, and this year will be hosted by Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville, Kentucky on 1-3 October. The exhibition focuses, among other things, on electric power transmission and distribution, wastewater treatment, natural gas supply etc.

GlobeCore will be represented in the first two categories by the CMM-G designed to change oil in wind turbine gearboxes and the AVS vortex layer device. You can see these machines and speak with our specialists at booth 2240.

The CMM-G simplifies and accelerates oil change in wind turbines. To protect the new oil from instantly becoming contaminated with impurities left in the gearbox after draining the oil oil, the machine also washes the gearbox with special flushing oil. As for the vortex layer device, it increases the efficiency of the existing wastewater purification systems, reducing process duration and chemical consumption.

Looking forward to meeting you at International Construction & Utility Equipment Exposition-2019!

Modern Electroplating Wastewater Neutralization

Electroplating wastewater. Electroplating facilities and shops produce toxic solid waste in the form of ions of heavy metals, acids and alkalis that can cause water pollution. It is due to the electrochemical technology requiring large volumes of water.

Generally, the decontamination and neutralization of electroplating wastewater is performed by a special unit which uses reagent purification. Despite the mainstream use of this approach, it is not without flaws. Its drawback is ineffective wastewater treatment that leads to excess of unwanted substances in the water output. Other drawbacks of the reagent method are high reagent consumption and high salt content, which do not allow the water to return back into the cycle; it also requires large bulky equipment.

Therefore, scientists continue to search for new methods to improve the efficiency of existing technologies. A solution was found by GlobeCore in its vortex layer device (AVS). These devices were developed in the last century by Logvinenko. In his book “The Intensification of Technological Processes in a Vortex Layer Unit” he demonstrated the positive results obtained with the AVS in wastewater treatment. But the low capacity of the device precluded its mass introduction into the wastewater treatment industry, because a large industrial enterprise required many AVS units for neutralization of wastewater, until recently. The newly developed high-performance devices cover the necessary volumes of wastewater treatment.

The GlobeCore design department studied the effectiveness of the AVS for cleaning and neutralizing wastewater from electroplating facilities. The data is shown in the table below.

Heavy metal wastewater treatment from galvanizing plant using AVS 100



Maximum concentration level (European Union legislation)

Before treatment

After treatment







Fe, mg/l





Cu, mg/l





Ni, mg/l


<0,02 (not detected)



Cr+6, mg/l


<0,005 (not detected)


The use of the AVS-100 vortex layer device in wastewater treatment from electroplating plants reduces the concentration of heavy metals to values ​​not exceeding the maximum permissible concentration accepted in the European Union. It achieves complete absence of nickel and hexavalent chromium in the treated water and shows the possibilities of future use of the vortex layer devices in countries with more stringent demands for hexavalent chromium and nickel concentrations.

Wastewater treatment is immediate and does not require high expenditure of reagents. The sedimentation with the AVS occurs much faster than with a stirrer.

Wastewater Treatment: Aerobic Process

Aerobic process are based on the use of microbes which require constant supply of oxygen and the temperature of 20-40°С. Disruption of oxygen supply and temperature changes the composition and number of microbes. Purification of wastewater in aerobic conditions is performed by biofilters or by cultivation of microbes in biological sludge, in which biocenosis consists of various groups of organisms(bacteria, worms, fungi, algae etc). Biological sludge is an amphoteric colloid, in which рН = 4-9, and the dry material contains 70-90% organic and 10-30% inorganic substances.

The main goal of the aerobic process is the oxidative mineralization of  organics and transformation of reduced nitrogen to oxidized nitrogen (nitrification resulting in formation of nitrite and nitrate ions).

Aerobic biochemical treatment of wastewater removes organic materials using heterotrophic organisms, which feed on organic carbon (proteins, fats, hydrocarbons etc). The nutritional value of carbon varies depending on the properties of the organic substances, as well as physiology of the microbes. In microbial metabolism some carbon is oxidized to form carbon acid and then carbon dioxide. Some carbon atoms are reduced to radicals becoming part of the cell.

The biochemical destruction of organic substances occurs due to several consecutive reactions, which simplify the initial structure of the substance. For instance, the process of oxidation of hydrocarbons, fats and some amino acids results in the same “universal metabolite”, which completely oxidizes into carbon dioxide and water. Therefore, the mechanism of wastewater treatment is related to transformation of components into environmentally safe compounds. The energy exchange in bacteria is characterized by the intensity of oxygen consumption and exceeds that in the cells of higher plants and animals. Bacteria adapt to consumption of new organic substances better than other organisms.

MIcroorganism which oxidize carbon, live in the upper part of the reactor, while nitrification bacteria reside in the lower part, where the competition for oxygen and nutrients is higher.

The process of aerobic treatment is efficient because its products are low-molecular compounds (СО2, H2О). They cannot be further decomposed in a microbial cell and have no reserve energy to release.