Fuel processing, oil in water emulsions, coal-water fuel, desulfurization

Production of coal-water slurry fuel with AVS
A high price of traditional fuel (gas and heating oil) encourages to search for new cheaper fuel to reduce the cost of thermal energy. One of the most promising new products is coal water slurry fuel – a mixture of coal particles (fraction 1 … 70 μm), water and reagent. It is characterized by aRead More

Water-coal slurry as an alternative to natural gas and heavy fuel oil
Using inexpensive coal slack and the Vortex layer device, one can make fuel not inferior in terms of heat capacity to heavy fuel oil and natural gas, but a lot more economical: water-coal slurry or liquid fuel. What is «water-coal slurry»? Water-coal slurry (abbreviated as CWS, CWSM, CWM) is a mix of coal, water andRead More

Modification of gasoline by water in the vortex layer generator
The vortex layer generator can also be used successfully in fuel production, specifically for modification of liquid hydrocarbon fluids by water and for production of motor and heating fuel with improved performance and environmental properties. The method of modified fuel production involves missing of the hydrocarbon components with water in a rotating electromagnetic field ofRead More

Using AVS to intensity biogas production
The range of Vortex layer device application is quite wide, the unit is efficient for ultrafine grinding, dispersion and mixing and intensification of various chemical and physical reactions. While researching the practical applications of the Vortex layer device, it proved to be beneficial in the process of biogas production, beside other uses. As was described in previous articles, AVSRead More

Using the vortex layer devices to improve marine fuels
The first mention of adding water in internal combustion engines dates back to the end of the 19th century. Many studies have been performed since then, which indicate that adding water to fuel is, in fact, possible and leads to the following: Intensification of fuel combustion; Reduction of incomplete combustion product and nitrogen oxides inRead More