Wastewater treatment of baker’s yeast production plant

Baker’s yeast.. Rational use of water resources and the protection of waterways from wastewater pollution is of paramount importance. The only way to effectively clean the waterways from pollution is to properly treat wastewater (especially industrial), improving the existing physical, chemical and biological treatment methods and developing new methods.

Wastewater from plants producing bakery’s yeast contain organic and inorganic contaminants. They are suspended mineral matter and volatile components, nitrogen, ammonia, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, etc.

Such wastewater must be purified before it is discharged into waterways or sewage system (if the plant is located in an urban area).

Wastewater treatment now uses methane fermentation. This method is used in the UK, the USA and Japan. This treatment is effective, but it requires significant investment, a lot of chemicals and other industrial water. Therefore it is necessary to justify the cost to use this approach.

Another wastewater treatment for baker’s yeast production plants is aerobic fermentation which also requires expensive equipment. That’s why the wastewater should be first cleaned by methane fermentation, which removes a significant portion of organic contaminants and then by aerobic fermentation. If we combine these two methods, the cleaning effect will be 95%.

After treatment, the water can be used in fisheries, in water rotation system, for irrigation in agriculture, as well as for industrial purposes.



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