GlobeCore in the press: New technology for humic fertilizer production (Fertilizer Focus)

GlobeCore in the press: New technology for humic fertilizer production (Fertilizer Focus)

In May 2024, the magazine Fertilizer Focus published an article titled “New technology for humic fertilizer production,” authored by GlobeCore founder Stanislav Mykytenko and project manager Vitaliy Kolesnyk.

The article is dedicated to a new approach to the production of humic fertilizers using the AVS vortex layer device.

The article provides a detailed description of the new technology for processing peat, sapropel, leonardite, and nanoverm in a vortex layer of ferromagnetic particles for the production of humic fertilizers. The use of AVS devices in the production of humic fertilizers offers several advantages compared to traditional technologies such as dispersers and extractors. The device increases the yield of humic substances and fulvic acids in the solution and enhances their biological activity. Additionally, it can operate both in a flow mode and in a laboratory setting for conducting experiments on the production of humic fertilizers from new raw materials.

We invite all interested parties to familiarize themselves with the full text of the article, published below.



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